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      For a LIMITED time only we are offering a drawing to win a free book of your choice from*.  Depending on our response to this promotion, we might offer more prizes.  Registering for the book is no harder then signning up for our newsletter, you are automatically registered.  This offer ends at any time between now and October 31st of 2000.

     Signing up costs you nothing and you may unsubscribe at anytime.  We will not offer your E-Mail address for any reason other than uses by and for Catholic Youth Center ONLINE.  In other words, it will NOT be given out to anyone under any circumstances.  Since our first issue is planned for August 1, 2000, we can only tell you what to expect from the newsletter:

  • Current Events In the Catholic Church
  • Apologetic & Theology Articles
  • 1-2 Saint Bios
  • Prayer Requests
  • Updates to Catholic Youth Center ONLINE
  • .....And Much More!

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* Book offer is for books UNDER $15.00 not including shipping and handling.  S&H will also be  paid by Catholic Youth Center ONLINE.

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